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2024-04-28 14:16:58

So to let me explain, this is a Very Normal Typesetting task for a book. Make two column text, with an embedded figure. Keep the baseline rhythm uniform. That means the two columns next to each other will always have the same baselines.
Make the figure full column width.
Until this became available, I could not find a way to do this. It's a subtle reason that multicolumn layouts for text on the web never really took off. (horizontal scrolling and snapping is perhaps another reason, but the fact that it looked like crap is part of it.)
I've been hand-solving variations using context-specific hacks for my whole career: text under e-commerce product cards. Images on a product page with a caption with text next to them that don't have funky gaps where the text goes underneath. Images with captions inset in text, too. Marketing pages with two bits of copy next to each other.
Lack of little nuances like this is why the whole web lands on "well I guess we'll set it in 16 pixel Helvetica with one line margins between paragraphs”. It stifles making anything but Browser Default Text or variations on it look good.
Remember how fresh Medium looked when it came out? Even its relatively small shake-up of the dominant formula felt good. Of course now, big easy to read serifed type in a single column is the brand of "this is a newsletter”
2024-03-28 23:19:56

Circular wave interference patterns. Inspired by a single-drop model:
Now with Printables link for downloading / printing:

Animated 3D model of circular wave inteference. The two wave origins have different amplitudes, dropoff rates. phases, and wavelengths.

... for making animations simpler, the cycle period is the same, though.
OpenSCAD code for the wave interference 3D model, mesh generation portion only (i.e. excluding the boring polyhedron generation stuff).

At each mesh point, the distance from the wave origins is calculated. This distance is then used to determine the cycle and amplitude of the waves, which are added together to create height values.
2024-03-27 08:25:23

Mit Vodoopuppe bedroht?
Homöopathie und gefährlicher Schnickschnack darf weiterhin Kassenleistung bleiben.
2024-03-29 19:14:06

Ça va peut-être se commencer Š se voir Š force... 🌡️🌍
2024-04-25 13:17:19

CAFF Souza recorda: "O #MarcoCivil surgiu de uma consulta pública realizada na internet entre 2009 e 2010. Foi a primeira vez que o governo brasileiro usou a rede para ampliar o grau de participação no processo de criação de leis. A ideia era tão radical ontem quanto é hoje.
É importante que os próximos passos que o Brasil vier a dar na regulação da rede sigam esse caminho de abertura …
2024-02-26 13:54:20

Recently? Recently!?! He has been unhinged for years. When I do watch (very rarely) he reminds me of a couple of family members who had dementia. Memory, emotional control, language skills, attention span all appear to be degraded. In my not-so-humble opinion not fit to hold office.
2024-03-27 08:32:53

This has been replaced.
2024-03-20 13:46:43

Ik heb op dit moment geen hoofd voor cijfers en Amerikaanse triljoenen zijn volgens mij anders dan de onze en het wordt me niet duidelijk of dit de wereldwijde kosten zijn of alleen die van de USA, maar het is wel duidelijk dat het klimaatbeleid van kabinet WieWordtHet I heel erg duur gaat worden: Climate Inaction Could Cost $1,266 Trn, As US Pushes Back On Reporting
2024-03-27 08:32:53

This has been replaced.
2024-03-20 13:46:43

Ik heb op dit moment geen hoofd voor cijfers en Amerikaanse triljoenen zijn volgens mij anders dan de onze en het wordt me niet duidelijk of dit de wereldwijde kosten zijn of alleen die van de USA, maar het is wel duidelijk dat het klimaatbeleid van kabinet WieWordtHet I heel erg duur gaat worden: Climate Inaction Could Cost $1,266 Trn, As US Pushes Back On Reporting